2023年10月22日 星期日

und es ist so





2023年10月21日 星期六








2023年10月6日 星期五











2023年7月17日 星期一

Typhoon Nights


 上次說feel like blogging一個多月都沒回來,那是因為我開始了新的創作方式,那個創作以類日記體寫作,跟Blogging的功能和時間都重疊了。我在那些創作壓抑了我的情緒,也刻意讓自己寫多點其它的,因為想讓自己成為更聰明的人。



她比我大一年,(好像)算是首個跟我同輩結婚的朋友。我在剛上大學的11月跟她相識,當時誤打誤撞要當碩博畢業典禮的招待,無事可做時剛好站在彼此身旁,便閒聊起來。還記得我們沒說幾句,她就突然說她的西裝裙太窄,拉高了裙叫我「睇下」。典禮結束後她提議一起吃午飯,我因太緊張和社交疲勞,便編了個要回宿舍的藉口婉拒。我們一起到med can買外賣後分別,那次是我第一次光顧med can,那飯堂現在都已經結業了。



2023年6月10日 星期六

Missing the Saturday nights in 2008 Again


Finding the right words is so important. Finding the right words is so fun. Finding the right words is so difficult. I am losing track of time. I am not sure of what that means. Many things feel timeless because it is in the distant past. No one misses the 2000s. At least no one misses it like I do. I am living in the past. What does the present continuous tense mean in this sentence supposed to mean?

Finding the right things to talk about is important. Finding the right things to talk about feels satisfying. Finding the right things to talk about is so difficult. I can't find the right words, not even the right the topic. I find my feelings so unintelligible. They don't make any sense once I tried to covey them. At least they no longer feel special, even to myself. Sometimes I just want to become a hermit.

Had a dream of you last morning. That was the most 'realistic dream' I had ever had. It was also the least fragmented one. And it completely reflected all my (wants? desire? Wish? I can't find the right word). You somehow were in the UK. I came to your house, which was kind of big. We were on the bed like how we were in that hotel in North Point. You suddenly sat on my lap while I was lying and with my blankets. You told me not to say anything and everything was fine. I knew it was about the things between us. We hugged and necked like how we were at your dorm in uni. It felt so comfortable. There was nothing sexual in it. It felt like returning to childhood and you hug and kiss with your cousins (or brother and sister if I had one). No "relationships" and sex partners can replace that. I said sorry. You said something like no need/no problem. Then we went out for a walk. It was in the UK. The sky was grey like in Scotland but it feels like the morning. We walked on the street-on-a-bridge for quite a long time in our pyjamas. So long that I suggested to return along the same way we came. You said ok. Fo the first time I felt dreamy, the way return was so short. I woke right before we entered your house again. I was beside of my girlfriend when I woke. Didn't feel guilty because there was nothing romantic and sexual in the dream. But the happiest dream made me feel so gloomy.最美好的事。


陳奕迅 - 不要說話

When out with M today. Long time no see, like 1.5 years. She recommended me this song, and I am listening to it all this time I write this blog post. The song was published in 2008. It makes me feel nostalgic. Very nice meeting with M. Had lunch and coffee and walked around in TST. Met her friend she's been mentioning since 2015.

Too bad that I'm too exhausted to continue. Feeling like blogging recently. Let's see will I return tmr night or soon.


2023年6月8日 星期四


希望你不會讀到這篇網誌,至少在我們星期六見面前。今天早上在將軍澳學德文,待會三時半要面試,老師推介了在面試地點附近的咖啡店,我得待在這裡兩小時。今天已是second in,那間公司明顯很缺人,我也感覺到他們會聘請我,但我完全不打算當那份工作,只是好奇他們會出怎樣的offer擺了,起初我只是申請他們的freelance。







以前有一位讓我很憧憬的前輩,我不認識他真人,但有看他的網誌。他在33歲時,寫了一篇名為〈Jesus Year〉的網讀,內容大致是33歲是耶穌很神蹟和死亡的一年,是富有意義的一年,因此值得特意寫一次展望。幾年前我就在想,王尚義26歲那年因癌症離世,26歲將會是我的尚義之年。大學畢業前一、兩年時時常想像,那時我會達到怎樣的成就呢?結果,在26歲前,我就經歷了一次轉向,逐漸走出他的影響了!(但很奇怪的,最近我居然重新拿起記載王尚義和唐君毅的書,還在打算為他們寫傳記)。



2023年4月3日 星期一




Everything feels wrong to me recently. Don't feel like I'm on the right track. Mainly for three reasons. The magazine is not making good progress, though there will be huge breakthroughs in the next issue. So I think it's alright to take some time. Second, I'm not sure if I am that interested in what I'm doing. Magazine is fine but I meant literature and philosophy, i.e. writing books. I see my ex doing her creative works all the time. I read self-taught philosophers and writers who completed good works using the night time after exhausting full-time job. I do not have their passion. I surely not as motivated as them. The fact that I haven't written, drawn or created anything might be simply because I do not love it enough. But what strikes me the most is the third. It is obvious that people around me are not as 'good' as those I used to stick with. I've lost all my intellectual companions, at least we do not contact as much as we used to. No valuable feedbacks and no constructive interactions. This tires me much more than work and the lack of money. I do not enjoy tutoring people at all. Talking is so tiring in the first place. And I don't think I'm good enough to teach anyone too. More and more I dislike the weekly meeting of the magazine. It's so exhausting. L, I'm at the age you met us. I wonder how you felt at that time.



2023年3月19日 星期日

The vacation that never existed


I'm finally back, a year since I last updated, three months since my third personality shift (moved on from neo-confucian philosophy and way of life). M, the reason I'm writing this to you is that you're probably the only person that would read this. I simply no longer share this blog to anyone I know after 2017, who makes my current social circle.

There are a few draft posts that I didn't finish on this blog. It happened to be so because I always had something I wanted to share, which I wanted to bring those things across clearly and sophisticatedly. Then I fell asleep before finishing it (I always write on this blog with my Macbook on bed, lights off). This time is different. I have nothing special to say. I can stop at any point and post, even I haven't started sharing on 'that vacation'.

Many things happened. I don't know where to start. I decided not to talk about them explicitly.

What I wanted to say now is that vacation. I've been thinking about having a vacation for a long time. The idea is to rent a hotel and become an urban-hermit for like 5-7 days, without my phone and all. The first time I had this on mind was I guess in April 2022, before my final semester as a student was about to end. I said I'm gonna go for a vacation after finishing my term papers. I didn't go for it. I was late for weeks on submitting those papers. When I finally had time, I began working for a restaurant, a 5-day-per-week underpaid job. When I quitted in late August, I said I will do it after Issue 3 is published, which I finally published it in early October (it was horrible). Then, I was a) working for a bookstore, that is having a job and couldn't get a vacation anytime I want b) we already can travel aboard and I've booked a flight to Japan in Jan 2023 c) I was broke af. So I didn't go.

I think I'll really do it some time in April.

What made me really want to update this blog is this Sunday evening. I left bookstore at 8pm, the 4th last day I work here since they're closing next month. I returned home and had soup for dinner. I sit in front of my computer at home at 10 pm. This has not happened in years. It was as if I've returned to the days I always feel nostalgic for - the Saturday nights in my P.5-P.6 days when my father goes out for mahjong with my grandfather and I could use the computer and play online games and Yahoo blog. Grandfather passed away 1-2 years after those days and dad no longer lives with me now. Anyway, tonight I just felt lousy. Didn't feel like enjoying the freedom of having my own room and computer. Just felt bad for procrastinating my work. Magazine works out of schedule; no motivation to work despite my ambitions. Don't know why. Felt bad. Came up with the idea to get the lights off and start blogging till sleepy so I can wake up and work tomorrow.

I'm still awake. Fuck. Also, I lost the motivation to share my emotions and thoughts here too. I don't see it as a bad thing tho. I still treasure this place and would come back from time to time. I just blog in a perhaps more mature way. In the past, I was always wanting a person to hear those thoughts (that's why this tradition of writing to Alphabets began) and instead of talking to them in person I wrote them down here. Now, I'm just blogging like writing on a notebook. I like the way I blog now. Feeling absolutely lost than ever, I feel like I'm becoming a better person.

Still not sleepy.


P.S. The three personality shifts:

I'm like a historian of myself and like to set periods in my life. I always to that on plane, especially the on flight returning HK. So, here's my version right now (it changes all the time, but I'm confident that this time it will work).

I regard myself as self-conscious when I'm in P.3, when one day I be-friended with two classmates and called ourselves 三兄弟. It was trivial but I was very happy that day. And that was my first memory of pursuing what I was pursuing the next few years - a 'classically memorable' adolescence. This was just all I want from P.3 to F.4/5.

That kind of emotion peaked when I was in F.4. I kept saying words like 青春and熱血. But I also began losing the enthusiasm that year, when I felt so down for romantic issues. And my first personality shift happened when September 2013 when I lost the student union election. I was reading the Catcher of the Rye that time. And from that time I began reading literature, and eventually philosophy. I became cynical and began to pursue a self with good taste. I was also a die hard fan of 伍公子that time.

I went through 3 life stages but now I knew I was on the same stage mentally from F.5 to year 2 in uni. I was just a lost reader looking for things to read. Not particularly interested in anything. The second change was when met Confucianism in CUHK. I started to pursue a moral self. Wanted to be a moral intellectual which I only find it didn't work a few months ago.

I don't fee like explaining what happened a few months ago in detail. Also, I'm finally feeling like sleeping. Night :)