2016年4月24日 星期日


「千杯酒已喝下去 都不醉
淚眼已吹乾 無力再回望


白髮已滄桑 無夢再期望


2016年4月21日 星期四






2016年4月17日 星期日

You thought love is beautiful

(casual writing)

Dear S,

Two years ago today, Gabriel Garcia Marquez passed away. On his day of death, I was reading his book One Hundred Years of Solitude. I didn’t know that until a month later.

And today, I’m reading another book of his – Love in the Time of Cholera. It has been more than two weeks that I’ve started reading it, but I’ve just finished the second chapter. (130 pages out of 400 something) The reasons are, first, I would like to taste it slowly in detail, and secondly, I’m pretty busy this month. S, you’re busy for your exam, me too for my academic. You know what? I’m planning to go for an exchange program in Shanghai in the next semester, therefore this is already the last semester for me to gain GPA for university admission; and this is already the last month before the semester ends. Anyway, I would would like to say it that, like you, I’m busy and stressed on my academic too.

But that’s not important. Especially when I’m in the mood of talking about love. What I want to say is that, there are two things that you probably think they are beautiful: Love and the end.

2016年4月10日 星期日

Emotion-triggering shit

Dear S,

I’ve been training (forcing) myself to be rational recently. This Wednesday, when I was attending English course at school, the teacher told us to discuss: Is progress always good? Is that important to preserve the tradition? And she asked me to deliver my opinion to the class.

I answered: Yes, I think progress is always good, and it is not important to preserve the tradition. As “preserve” is a verb – to preserve – it refers to an action and implies one try to keep something from washing out intentionally. I don’t agree with such act. What should stay would always remain. If things are really right, they will not vanish. Identities won’t change; equations won’t change, because they are correct.

Soon, another classmate had also answered the same question. She (I don’t remember who exactly she was actually) said something like traditions should be kept and passed on; they are valuable because they have existed for long; it would be bad if they fade out, etc.

If that was a debate, I would surely have won. The other has no logic at all. But anyway it wasn’t a debate. I bet most people in the classroom would stand on her side if they had to choose whose answer’s better. The reason is very simple: mine sounded cold and hers sounded warm.

2016年4月3日 星期日

Wind power is out

The wind has gone and wind power is out.
Only the scent was left behind.
We thought there was nothing more to hallucinate about,
But I found myself in a bind.

The star and the bird-woman would never talk to me.
Levitate me!
Levitate me!

Let me be the object for once!