2016年7月31日 星期日




2016年7月24日 星期日



The Shade of the Mango TreeYouTube找不到正常版,只有1小時長的版本)是我從Nujabes發掘出來的。他用了這道歌的旋律,作為Lady Brown的樣本。兩首歌的主旋律非常相似,但意境卻是完全不同,可謂「異曲同工之妙」的相反。

起初便覺得〈The Shade of the Mango Tree〉充滿南美風情,後來才知道,它是南美作曲家筆下的作品。我認為,這首曲是典型的好音樂。除了旋律、伴奏和諧以外,更重要的,就是它帶有濃烈的避世情調,讓人自我感覺良好。我想,這也是和曲的命名有關的,因為要想像樹蔭,首先要有個日光的背景。想到這裏,自然便會把想像引伸到,自己也坐在芒果樹下乘涼,或是遠離麈囂、或是守株兔,反正就是會產生一種「眾人皆醉我獨醉」的自滿感。

2016年7月17日 星期日

Week 70

Full of imagination about my future. Suddenly, I feel cold because I suddenly got a fever. Suffered my first heat stroke this Friday. It was no cool at all. Don’t try it.

Can’t think of anything to write about this week. Nonetheless I especially wanted to update this blog under such circumstance.

Quite a lot of things happened this week actually. I wrote my diary. I rarely do so this year.

For the first time a began to draw a DRAWING seriously. It wasn’t done but almost. I found myself quite passionate at drawing. But I’m not good at it.

I have a habit. I use font size 28 for the title and 13 for the rest. I thought 13 looks the best in my old computer. Now I’m using a MacBook but I’m still using 13. And since the first post I have been counting the week number. This is the 70th.

Sometimes I can’t update on Sunday. So I post a blank post and edit it later on. So the date of the post will still be on a Sunday.

Why am I writing if nobody’s reading? I know nobody is reading this. But I believe one day I will be stalked. For at least once I believe. Okay. This post is for that person.
Thank you that person.

Kept coughing when typing this.

2016年7月10日 星期日


I thought it was only a joke, that my friends laughed at me about “I have poor observing abilities.” Well, I proved that the statement is correct yesterday.

Yesterday, two friends and I returned to our secondary school. We saw students preparing for a BBQ at the playground, that I, or we, was curious about what event was going to be held. When we encounter a teacher, we asked what was the occasion of having a BBQ on a Saturday night. The teacher answered us that it was an activity of the parent-teacher association; she also said that twenty-sth teachers would be coming too. I immediately remembered of my former class teacher. So I asked, actually not expecting to get an answer, that if she would come. The teacher answered me firmly, ‘of course not! She has to take care of her baby. Don’t you know that? She had already given birth a week ago!’

2016年7月3日 星期日


Miss L,


